Open the app, right-click the app icon in the Dock, roll your cursor over Options, and click Keep in Dock. Instead of going to your Applications folder to open an iSight app, add the app to your Dock to select it and open it from there. Keep iSight compatible apps in the Dock for easy access. Step 1 Connect the USB cord to the external webcam and connect it to a USB outlet or port on the MacBook using the included USB adapter.Oversight works on all Macs running OS X 10.10 and later. For example, download Oversight, which can tell you when your iSight camera and microphone are active, plus which applications are using it. Use another app to notify you when apps are using your iSight camera.The app might be minimized in the Dock, or it might be somewhere on the desktop hiding behind other windows. If the green indicator light is still on, you haven't properly closed the app, and the iSight camera is still on. Connect a USB camera to a MacBook Pro with help from a technology strategist and cloud expert for small-to-medium businesses in this free video clip. Look for the green indicator light to go off when closing the app to turn the iSight camera off.Minimize the app to access other programs while keeping the iSight camera ready. Select the yellow minimize button in the top left corner of an app to temporarily tuck it away without closing it or turning the camera off.